An Overview of Making Money on HubPages "NEW"

The Big Picture

We have developed a time-tested and proven way to help writers make money from the content that they create. Since the site's inception in 2006, HubPages emerged as a world-class writing platform that brings together many different sophisticated technologies to create an amazingly simple way to generate earnings for anyone who loves to write.

We want to help you turn the thing you love to do (creating in-depth, media rich articles covering subjects you are passionate about) into something that can make you some money - all while having fun and meeting other writers along the way.

Please keep in mind that HubPages is first and foremost a community for people who love to write, share information, and help others with their articles. Making a bit of extra money is an added bonus, but it should not be your primary motivation.

Set Realistic Expectations

Before you get too excited about making money on HubPages, we want to make sure that you have realistic expectations.
You are not likely to see significant earnings from your Hubs for as long as two years (and that's two years spent writing high quality articles on HubPages). When you do begin to see regular payouts, they are likely to be in a range of $50 to $100 a month.
Yes, some Hubbers earn thousands of dollars a month, but they are very rare and have put superhuman amounts of work into their online portfolios. For most, HubPages can be a source of pleasant side income- something that can pay for an annual family vacation or a dinner out on the town every month.
In short, if you came to HubPages to make tons of money very quickly, you should probably find another place. If, instead, you love to write, are passionate about your hobbies and interests, and consider helping others to be very rewarding, HubPages is the place for you!

We'll Be Frank...

HubPages is not:
  • A place to get rich quick
  • A place to earn money quickly
  • A place where you will earn money when exerting minimal effort
HubPages is:
  • The go-to place to create original, in-depth, useful, media-rich pages on topics you are passionate about
  • A place where over time, you can earn a passive income from your articles

How it Works in a Nutshell

  • You publish high-quality Hubs
  • You sign up with our monetization partners
  • People view those Hubs and occasionally click on ads
  • You earn a percentage of the revenue generated by those ads (and HubPages earns some to keep the site running)
  • Your earnings accrue until you reach HubPages' and our affiliate programs' payout thresholds
  • You receive your earnings
Yay for getting perks while doing what you love!
Yay for getting perks while doing what you love!

An 8-Step Overview

  1. A person who loves to write joins HubPages.
  2. The new Hubber joins ad programs of her choice, such as Google AdSense, the HubPages Ad Program, the HubPages eBay Program, and the HubPages Amazon Program. Joining these programs is what allows the Hubber to generate earnings from the transactions that occur on her Hub (clicking on ads, buying a product from Amazon, etc). 
  3. Now it's time for the Hubber to think of a topic to write about. There are no limitations to what one can write about on HubPages as long as it's written in English and isn't offensive or spammy content (please read what is allowed for further clarification). If the Hubber knows a lot about surfing, then she can write about that. If she know about raising children, then she can write about that as well. Of course, a little bit of research is always a good idea.
  4. Once the Hubber decides on a topic and researches it, she then writes a Hub and fills it with informative, interesting and topical content including text, links, images, video, and other media that she feels is relevant to the topic. It's easy to add this content with the HubTool.
  5. When the Hubber is finished writing her Hub, she then publishes it. If the Hub passes the Quality Assessment Process and becomes Featured, it will be shown on related Hubs and Topic Pages, and will also be made available to search engines. At this point the Hubber can also share her newly published Hub with her friends via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and the HubPages Feed, as well as any other social networking websites that she spends time on.
  6. While visiting a Hub, readers see the ads and products that are placed on published Hubs and the Hubber can earn money from these ads.
  7. As the Hub gets readers over time, it will continue to earn money for its author. The more visitors a Hub gets, the more money that author stands to earn from ads. Writing evergreen Hubs helps ensure long-term, sustained traffic and earnings.
  8. The Hubber then publishes more Hubs and continues to make money as they are read.
Writing many high-quality Hubs is the key to making money on HubPages. Remember, the most successful Hubs are well-written, informative, and useful to readers.

HubPages' Monetization Partners

Hubs may be monetized by several premium ad and affiliate partners: Google AdSense, Amazon Associates, the HubPages Ad Program, the HubPages eBay Program, and the HubPages Amazon Program.

Google AdSense

One of HubPages' ad partners is Google AdSense. On HubPages, ads are placed on every Hub (except for those that have ads turned off). You will recognize Google AdSense ads because they will be labeled. Google AdSense ads may be Pay Per Click (PPC) ads (if someone clicks on an ad, either you or HubPages may be paid from that click) or display ads (if someone simply views the ad, either you or HubPages may be paid from that view). If you haven't signed up for Google AdSense, we recommend signing up so you can begin earning on HubPages. You can also visit the Google AdSense Help Center for more information on AdSense and how it works.
Google AdSense is required in order to participate in the HubPages Ad Program, the HubPages Amazon Program, and the HubPages eBay Program, but you can still earn without it using your own Amazon Associate ID.

Amazon Associates and the HubPages Amazon Program

There are two ways to earn from Amazon products featured in your Hubs: Amazon Associates and the HubPages Amazon Program. To earn, your preferred Amazon program must be active in your Earnings Settings and you must feature Amazon products in your Hubs through the use of Amazon Capsules, or direct links in Text Capsules.
The main differences between the two programs:
  • With Amazon Associates, your relationship is with Amazon, and Amazon will provide reporting and issue payments to you. With the HubPages Amazon Program, your relationship is with HubPages, and HubPages will provide reporting and issue payments to you as part of the HubPages Earnings Program.
  • The HubPages Amazon Program offers a very high Amazon commission tier because the volume of sales across HubPages is aggregated for the benefit of the entire community. Because of this, most Hubbers will earn more via the Amazon Program than they would on their own using Amazon Associates.
  • You will be paid via PayPal if you use the HubPages Amazon Program (as with any other program available through HEP) whereas Amazon Associates issues payments via check.
If a clicking visitor purchases qualifying products on your share of the impressions you make 100% of the commission.

The HubPages Ad Program

The HubPages Ad Program is a great way to earn from your HubPages traffic. The Ad Program provides an optimized mix of premium ads from multiple ad partners to run alongside your ads and Amazon Capsules on your Hubs.
How the Ad Program Works
In the usual Google AdSense arrangement, you’re given four ad units, and one link unit. If you opt in to the Ad Program, you will have up to a total of eight ads on desktop:
  • one standard AdSense ad unit that is served and paid directly to you by Google
  • and seven standard ads (Ad Program)
If you are part of the Ad Program, you will be paid by Google AdSense for one of the ads and by the HubPages Earnings Program for the other seven ads.
What kind of earnings can you expect?
Many Hubbers in the Ad Program see significant increases in their combined revenue (Ad Program + Google AdSense) compared to what they earn from Google AdSense alone. While you will likely experience a drop in Google AdSense earnings if you opt into the Ad Program, most participating Hubbers will see an increase in total earnings.
What kind of ads will you see in the Ad Program?
The Ad Program draws from a number of high-quality ad networks, including Google, many of which are exclusive and only work with the largest publishers.
How will payment work?
We provide you with a managed service which includes ad performance reporting, and a monthly payment via the HubPages Earnings Program.


To earn, the eBay Program must be active in your Earnings Settings and you must feature eBay products in your Hubs through the use of eBay Capsules.
To begin earning through eBay Capsules from your Hubs, sign up for the HubPages Earnings Program (if you have not done so already) and follow the prompts to sign up for the eBay Program. HubPages will process your program application with eBay and confirm once you are approved. This process normally takes four days. The eBay Program will track referrals from your Hubs that lead to transactions on eBay. You will accrue into your HubPages Earnings Program balance from this activity, based on the amount and quality of clicks from your Hubs.

Revenue Split with HubPages

For more information on how the revenue is split with HubPages, please see our FAQ entry.

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